
Jacoco Plugin Integration With Spring Boot Application

Jacoco: The Jacoco is a plugin which is implemented in Java. This Jacoco plugin helps developer to generate the test report with code coverage to provide more quality and securable code. Jacoco will generate a report that how many numbers of lines of code executed / not executed. Download Jacoco plugin: Downloading and installing the Jacoco plugin is very easy. Just add a below plugin in the build.gradle file of the parent project ,      apply plugin: 'jacoco' Need to add the same command in the build.gradle file of each module to generate   the code coverage report. Also, add below lines of script in all build.gradle files of all modules, test {               finalizedBy jacocoTestReport }   jacocoTestReport {        reports {               xml.enabled true     ...

SonarQube Integration With Spring Boot Application

                        Overview: In the software industry delivering an application or a project or a product with best quality is very important. The quality component plays vital role. The quality delivery can accelerate the leverage on the product. The high leveraged product could improve the product value and double and triple the brand value of an organization. To provide the best quality outcome , need to use tool like SonarQube plugin . SonarQube: The SonarQube is a tool or library which can be useful to provide cleaner and safer code.   To better understanding the SonarQube refer link, SonarQube  Integration  With Spring Boot Application : Integrating the Spring Boot API project with the SonarQube , follow below steps. Step1: Make ready  Spring Boot  API project in the Eclipse IDE. The build should be successful. Step2: The  Spring Boot  AP...